Supporting Children with SEN

Supporting Children with SEN through their

Pre-School journey

SENCO Our Offer:

How will Little Villagers staff support my child?

At Little Villagers we have a Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) who has been trained through the Surrey County Council Early Years Team, who supports the key person, child and family to ensure that the child’s individual needs are met.

The SENCO will work closely with the key person to provide individual and personalised plans for the child based around their abilities and interests, differentiating resources and activities to support the child. With consent of the parent/carer, the SENCO will liaise with other professionals, such as Early Years Inclusion officers, Surrey SEN team, Speech and language therapists, Health visitors to gain further advice in supporting the child. The SENCO, Keyperson and the other members of the team will all work together to ensure that targets and strategies are implemented. The plans and activities are reviewed by the SENCO, Key person, Planning Co-ordinator and parents to update plans and ensure the correct support is in place for the child. 

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

At Little Villagers, we appreciate that each individual child has different interests and will be at different stages of development. This is reflected on each child’s play plan and on our weekly planning. If a child requires extra support in any area of their learning, the child’s keyperson or the SENCO will put the need/s onto the planning needs. The planning co-ordinator will add this onto the weekly planning, along with an activity which will be of interest to the child. This activity will be observed, and observation notes taken.

The planning co-ordinator, keyperson and if necessary, the SENCO will monitor the observations and the progress of the child.

If the child has a Surrey Support Plan (SSP) in place, the SENCO and planning co-ordinator will ensure it is integrated within the weekly planning.

How will both you and I know how my child is progressing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

The keyperson keeps a written record of their key child’s development through observations, play plans, development trackers etc. These are updated termly, and observations carried out frequently. We have an open-door policy, where parents can request to see their child’s development folder at any time and speak with their keyperson. When the keyperson completes a play plan for your child, they will share with you, how you can support their learning at home.

We hold a parent’s evening halfway through the school year, where we discuss together your child’s needs and how we can both support your child’s learning. Each child will receive a written report at the end of the summer term, which covers the 7 areas of learning.

A settling in report is sent to the parents at the end of the child’s first half term with us, explaining how the child has settled into pre-school. And if the child is with us from 2 years of age, a 2-year check will be carried out, this covers the 3 specific areas of learning and next steps. Parents are invited in for a 2 Year Check meeting, where we will discuss the written check any area areas of concern. A copy of the check is given to their parents for their records and we advise to keep this check in the child’s ‘red health check book’ for the Health Visitors reference. 

For EAL Support (English as an additional language) - see Supporting Our Children)

What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

The children’s wellbeing is extremely important to us at Little Villagers. Children are encouraged to openly discuss their views and feelings and we are proud of the activities we do to encourage this. Children are also encouraged and supported in their learning of listening to and respecting their peer’s views and feelings.

We have a Behaviour Management Policy in place which parents read (along with our other policies) when they attend the familiarisation visit and sign to say it has been read. Our policies are also on our website under the parent’s section, for parents to refer to at any time.

Providing Personal Care is set out in our Nappy Changing Policy and follows information and guidelines from the Health Protection Agency Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and Early Years Settings (2010). Only staff with a full DBS check will carry out any personal care and any staff members without a full DBS check will not be left alone with a child.

If a child has a disability or medical needs that may effect their personal care, this will be noted on their one page profile, which contributes to their ISP or a health care plan will be drawn up.

Administering Medication within the setting follows the guidelines within our Medication Policy.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Little Villagers?

Little Villagers, if required can contact various services for advice and expertise, these are (but not limited to):

  • Early Years Support Team

  • North West Surrey SEN advisor

  • REMA

  • Local Health Visitors

  • Surrey NHS SLT (Speech & Language Therapist)

  • Surrey NHS OT (Occupational Therapist)

  • Surrey NHS EP (Educational Psychologist)

  • Family Centre, Camberley

We have a designated, trained SENCO within the setting and Qualified Early Years Assistants.

What training are the staff supporting children with SEND had or are having?

All staff have access to training courses which they are freely able to book. The Owner/Manager at Little Villagers also, arrange and carry out regular training days/evenings, occasionally with outside agencies also in attendance. Little Villager’s has a training library available at all times, with various resources included for staff to read and update their knowledge. 

Our designated SENCO has Qualified with a NCFE Cache Level 3 Award for Special Educational Needs Coordinators In Early Years Settings

Our designated SENCO, has attended:

  • SENCO, New to Role, 3-day training course, run by the Surrey Supporting Children’s Team, Surrey Family Services.

  • Autism & Social Communication Needs in Early Years, run by SW Surrey Portage Early Education Support Service

  • Foundation Module 1, Multi Agency Safeguarding Children, run by the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board.

  • Early Years Behaviour Training run by Surrey CC Educational Psychologists.

  • REMA: Hear our voices training and Network meetings, run by Surrey CC REMA Team

She regularly attends training, SEN network meetings and SEN Surgeries to update her knowledge and keep up to date with any changes to policies and procedures. The Network meetings have people from different services in attendance and of course Little Villagers will always refer to the SEND Code of Practice and Surrey Local Offer, to gain further help with any issues we may have.

How will my child be included in activities outside of the classroom, including school trips?

Any walks in the grounds of the school where we are located or walks up to the main school, are accessed by all children. Any children requiring extra support will be assisted on a 1:1 basis by a member of the team or by 1:1 support if this is in place for the child. 

The older children (frogs) of the setting (those who will be starting school after their 4th birthday), are the only children that leave the school grounds to go on a school trip. This trip happens once a year in the summer term. A thorough risk assessment takes place beforehand and all staff members/parent volunteers in attendance are given a copy of the risk assessment to read ahead of the trip taking place. If a child has 1:1 support in place, the person providing the 1:1 support (or another member of staff) will join the child on the school trip and provide assistance through out.

How accessible is Little Villagers?

Little Villagers has wheelchair access into the building and a disabled toilet cubicle. 

Our EAL (English as Additional Language) Policy, outlines our aims and understanding for bilingual children/families. The SENCO and EAL Co-ordinator work closely together, along with the child’s keyperson and parents/carers to ensure their language skills are developing. If we feel a child with EAL is struggling with their language skills, we will seek further support from the Early Years REMA Team (with consent from parents).

We ask at the familiarisation, is there is anyone who is able to translate any information if required and if so, we ask for the contact details of this person and permission from the parents to share any information with this person regarding the child, for translation purposes only.

And information we send out to parents with EAL, is done so via email/text service, in order for the parent/carer to translate using an online translation service such as Google Translate.

We have many pictures and visual cues around pre-school, as well as a visual timetable in the classroom to help support children with language delay.

Little Villagers has access to the Inclusion Grant and Discretionary funding from Surrey CC, if we feel a child/group of children would benefit from this. To receive funding, the SENCO (with parent consent) would complete the required paperwork and send to the Surrey SEND Team. The paperwork will be submitted to panel and they will make a decision as to whether they will award us the funding applied for.

How will Little Villagers prepare and support my child to join the setting and transfer to school?

When joining Little Villagers, parents are asked to fill in the ‘All About Me’ information pack. This asks questions and gathers information on the child, which is shared with the keyperson and members of the team. The information in the pack, provides the keyperson with a good understanding and knowledge of the child ahead of their first day, enabling us to make the settling in process easier for the child. The parent and child will both stay for the familiarisation visit, giving the child a chance to play in the new environment and meet their new teachers. This visit is also an opportunity for parents to ask any questions, discuss any additional needs or any concerns they may have. Parents can visit our website and our Facebook page, this can be shared and discussed with their child, showing them what we do in school. And on our website, there are photos of the staff, which can also be shared and discussed with the child, so we look familiar prior to starting with us.

The transition into school, is supported by us, through reports and meetings. Each child will have a transition report completed by their keyperson and this will be sent on to the child’s new school. It covers their abilities in each area of learning, under the EYFS and next steps for each area, which are based upon observations and development progress trackers carried out, during the child’s time with us.

Little Villagers invite the teachers from the new schools into the setting, in order for us to chat further about the child’s progress and development. If the child has an ISP, this will be sent onto the new school (with parent consent), along with the one-page profile and SEND Support Arrangements if these have been necessary for the child. If a child has a SEND Support Arrangement in place a Transition meeting will be arranged by the SENCO with the new school.

How are Little Villagers resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

Little Villagers has high staff:child ratios, allowing us to complete regular observations and progress checks on the children. The SENCO, is given specified SEN time out of the ratios to complete required paperwork etc.

The SENCO applies for Early Intervention funding where necessary and the funding awarded is used to support the individual child.

How is the decision made about what type or support and how much my child will receive?

Parents will be invited into pre-school with the owner/manager, keyperson and SENCO to discuss the provision for their child. The basis of this meeting will be evidence from observations, development progress trackers carried out by the keyperson and possibly SENCO and to discuss our findings with parents. We will advise if we feel a child needs to be referred to NHS Children’s Health Surrey, to be assessed by NHS Professionals, for example SLT, OT. Also, if we feel a child would benefit from 1:1 support and furthermore an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan).

Following parent’s consent, the paperwork would be completed by the SENCO, keyperson and parents to make the referrals to the relevant departments.

How are parents involved with Little Villagers? How can I be involved?

Little Villagers has an open-door policy and parents/carers can speak to the setting/keyperson at any time.

If we have any concerns at any time, regarding a child’s development/progress/needs, we will invite the parents in to talk through the concerns and next steps. Parents are involved in writing the SEN Support Arrangement in preparation for the EHCP application. And we of course, welcome parents input at any time regarding their child and their needs, as the parent will of course know and understand their child the best.

In addition to this, parents are actively involved in school life in the following ways:

  • Parents are encouraged to come into pre-school to help within the session, as well as invited in to do visits and talk with the children about various topics- e.g. festivals, occupations etc.

  • We have a website and Facebook page for parents to view and interact with.

  • We hold an Informal Parents Evening in the Autumn Term for all parents to attend, to meet the staff members and other parents. And a formal parents evening in the summer term, to discuss the progress and development of their child.

  • We hold a school sports day and nativity for parents to attend and ask for parent volunteers on our annual school trip.

  • Little Villagers have a PTA, where 2 parents volunteer their time, to organise events for school and parents.

Who can I contact for further information?

Owner – Karen Henderson-Williams

Manager & SENCO - Jemma Thatcher

Admin Manager – Elaine Stewart

If you wish to discuss anything about your child, please speak with the Owner/Manager and we will liaise with your keyperson and the team.

If you are considering joining Little Villagers, please contact:

Karen Henderson-Williams

01276 473845

For further information, you may find the following websites useful:

Little Villagers Pre-School

Snows Ride, Windlesham GU20 6PF